Alina Siegfried
1 min readAug 8, 2016


Thanks Lynn for your lovely comments! I absolutely agree, and can’t believe I forgot to include La Boca Loca, which is undoubtedly the best Mexican food in Wellington :) We’ve had many a team dinner out there, enjoying the company of Lucas and Marianne. Not to mention their commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices which are a great model for other businesses to emulate.

Have now edited to include this oversight, which can surely only be classed as a crime against cuisine!

Flick me an email on alina (at) kiwiconnect (dot) nz and we can try to arrange a meet up in NZ.



Alina Siegfried

Storytelling | Narrative | Systems Change | Circular Economy | Spoken Word | Author of “A Future Untold” on story & narrative for change |