EHF named finalists in Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards

We’re thrilled to be named finalists today in Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards for 2017!

Alina Siegfried
2 min readMar 20, 2017

Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF) has been named a finalist in Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards for 2017, alongside companies such as Impossible Foods and Elon Musk’s Hyperloop One. Our team is truly honoured to be announced alongside so many incredible companies working in different ways to redefine business and create global impact!

Covering off categories such as Health, Urban Design, Food, Energy and and Developing World Technology, the Awards attracted over 1,000 entries. EHF was a finalist in the overarching “World Changing Idea” award.

We developed Edmund Hillary Fellowship upon the unwavering belief that human ingenuity, passion, dedication and hard work can come together to solve our most complex global problems. New Zealand’s Global Impact Visa — available only to EHF Fellows — recognises that many change-makers are global citizens who can create value wherever they are in the world, and develop scalable, replicable models for others to follow. We’re amassing a community of entrepreneurs, investors and startup teams, who recognise the advantages that New Zealand has to offer as a base camp for global impact.

For anyone looking for direction about the kinds of companies and ideas that the Edmund Hillary Fellowship is looking to attract, Fast Company’s list of World Changing Idea finalists are a great source of inspiration.

Some of the other amazing finalists include:

  • The Toilet Accelerator by the Toilet Board Coalition ~ Working with businesses to maximise their impact on bringing toilets to the 2.4 billion people around the world living without improved sanitation.
  • Coral Vita ~ Restoring reefs with resilient farmed coral, Coral Vita are establishing a global network of land-based farms to help protect the communities, industries, natural ecosystems, and nations that depend on healthy reefs.
  • Sunqiao by Sasaki ~ An urban agriculture initiative in Shanghai helping to provide one of the world’s largest mega-cities with fresh, locally-harvested food.
  • Totem by Totem Power ~ A powerful platform that combines solar energy production and storage, WiFi and 4G communications, electric vehicle charging, and smart lighting into a single, powerful product that weaves these capabilities directly into the built environment.
  • Impossible Burger by Impossible Foods ~ Creating a convincing plant-based burger that tastes, smells, feels and even “bleeds” just like real meat, but without the planetary and climate change footprint that the meat industry produces.

If you’re an entrepreneur or investor working on solutions to global problems, New Zealand may be the best place for you. Applications are now open for our inaugural cohort for the Edmund Hillary Fellowship. Find out more here on how to apply, or if you’d like to find out more before applying, please express interest!



Alina Siegfried

Storytelling | Narrative | Systems Change | Circular Economy | Spoken Word | Author of “A Future Untold” on story & narrative for change |